GEPS Techno develops and installs offshore energy production systems integrating solar, wind and wave energy. The hybridization of these different sources makes it possible to adapt to local deposits, thus guaranteeing a more reliable supply for customers seeking autonomy.
In order to support the development of human activity at sea, GEPS Techno offers a reliable, decarbonized energy solution based on the hybridization of sources available at sea. It is in this sense that GEPS decided to develop technologies in 2011.
GEPS is one of the first projects supported. SID participated in the development of the company by introducing it to actors who were able to fully invest in the project. In 2021, the collaboration between Geps Techno and SID continues. Indeed, we actively participate in supporting the financing of the company's new projects.

Following significant R&D work, Geps Techno and its subsidiaries have equipped offshore sites in France and abroad. Public institutions and large groups from all sectors are seeking this breakthrough technology.

Procope Medicals is developing an innovative pump device designed to create, with the medical teams of the Nantes University Hospital, a fully implantable and autonomous artificial heart. This solution is intended to be an effective alternative to transplantation and aims to overcome the severe shortage of grafts that the sector is facing today (5,500 grafts each year, covering only 3% of needs). In the future, the company plans to develop other applications with shorter R&D and faster marketing, in parallel with the central project.
The therapeutic alternative that the Total Artificial Heart represents is currently a “bridge to transplantation”, they are used today to prolong the life of the patient while waiting for a heart transplant.
Only one total artificial heart is currently available on the market (Syncardia US): this heart is temporary and requires the patient to be permanently connected to two external devices: the compressed air console and the battery.
And medical studies indicate that approximately 100,000 people are eligible to receive a total artificial heart. The potential market for severe heart failure is estimated at $13 billion (Average price of a Severe IC device: $130,000 - based on devices available on the market)

Procope Medicals wants to create value in this market and provide a therapeutic solution that makes a real difference compared to what exists, or what is currently in development (e.g. Carmat, RealHeart), it is necessary to respond to 3 major areas of improvement:
- Reduce infectious risks (responsible for multiple hospitalizations, rejections and numerous post-operative complications),
- Adapt the device to the maximum number of eligible patient morphologies,
- Provide greater comfort and autonomy to patients while living with a total prosthesis.
In parallel with the development of this artificial heart, Procope is working on issues related to ECMO.

AZUVIA is a young innovative company, created in February 2019, which develops ecological treatment solutions for water and liquid effluents. The replacement of chemical products by biological processes is at the heart of the company's philosophy, which wishes to respond on its scale to the major ecological and climatic challenges of the 21st century.
Green chemistry
Today, 80% of wastewater in the world is not treated before being released into nature. The young creators of AZUVIA intend to combat this scourge in the long term with their solutions.
The innovation supported by AZUVIA uses purifying (depolluting) plants grown hydroponically (without soil) to purify water and effluents of their pollutants. This innovation is now targeting the food industry with two initial applications: the treatment of wine effluents and compost leachates. AZUVIA also markets a biological treatment system for the natural filtration of swimming pools.

AZUVIA has been working on water decontamination issues for several years. Initially developing filter greenhouses for natural swimming pools mainly for individuals, the company has now turned to industries. In fact, it has recently started offering to decontaminate water for industrial and agricultural companies. For example, it deals with clients in sectors such as wine cellars, agri-food companies, and rainwater managers.

Since the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation in 2016, there has been a real awareness of the importance of personal DATA. OneCub has developed an all-in-one solution allowing a user to manage the protection of their data. This company therefore aims to offer comfort and optimal security to users who increasingly want to have control over the data to which they give access.
With 10 years of experience in the issue of data sharing for individuals, Onecub helps ecosystems in multiple sectors (tourism, mobility, agriculture, food, space data, health) or regions (Occitanie, Brittany, Bavaria) to set up sharing infrastructures based on commons and governed fairly by all stakeholders. Onecub also provides tools for sharing personal data that are fluid and compliant with the GDPR.
#Personal Data
As part of the European Data Strategy (February 2020) and the GAIA-X project, multiple data sharing ecosystems are under construction throughout Europe. The European Commission will invest more than 10 billion euros on the subject. Europe's ambition is to build a soft infrastructure for data sharing based on European values and regulation (GDPR, Data Governance Act, Data Act, Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, etc.). This soft infrastructure should promote the emergence of an alternative model to that of GAFAM (centered on platforms) in favor of a model of decentralized sharing ecosystems, but where the individual will be in total control of his data, and where economic actors will reduce their dependence on GAFAM solutions.

The benefits for the actors are as follows:
• for private players: regaining control of digital distribution channels for the offer in the face of GAFAM and the like, offering a seamless end-to-end user experience, creating interoperability and innovative use cases, controlled monetization of data with fair distribution of value between players
• for public actors: smooth user experience for citizens, usage statistics based on shared data (without going through GAFAM), use of certified State data,
• for individuals (user, citizen, traveler): smooth end-to-end user journey, high degree of personalization, means of controlling data circulation (based on GDPR consent)
• for society: large-scale usage statistics

SmartB offers impact traceability solutions. SmartB’s evidence-based approach enables investment funds, development banks, companies and communities to improve the traceability of their investments, incentive campaigns and supply chains.
This young company aims to guarantee to an investor that each euro invested in the ecological transition is indeed associated with a real impact. To do this, SmartB will transform the impact data into a digital asset (non-speculative). This asset is then recorded on a blockchain network (non-energy intensive) and exchanged in return for impact financing.
#Circular Economy
SmartB promotes the emergence of new economic models, where allocated funds are only released once the corresponding proof has been validated. By reversing the current model, SmartB participates in securing the impact market, on which billions of dollars are lost.

SmartB also provides components enabling the implementation of innovative projects which, taking advantage of the platform's functionalities, publish verifiable proof of impacts, while preserving the confidentiality of information.
The main tools available on the SmartB platform are the distributed ledger, the state machine engine, the impact protocols, the decentralized identity management, the independent and secure storage protocol and the blockchain SIM cards (BeSIM).


Quantia, winner at CES in Las Vegas 2017 and 2021, offers the first patented ecological, miniaturized and intelligent water heater. The Gecko product aims to store and reuse the heat from the shower. It allows you to have hot water in less than five seconds, throughout your bathroom. Thanks to its wastewater energy recycling system, it reduces your water bill by 90% and saves 40% on your overall electricity bill.
Thanks to its wastewater energy recycling system, this product allows you to reduce your water bill by 90% and thus save 40% on your overall electricity bill.
#Energy saving
Lorient / Aix
This solution reacts in real time. Two seconds of waiting are enough to offer the user the ideal temperature. In addition to being economical, this system is secure since the water temperature will not exceed 42°C in normal use and is not exposed to bacterial proliferation as a conventional installation can be. The exchanger is static. Made of stainless steel, its average life expectancy is 20 years, compared to 10 years for a conventional water heater. According to Ademe, a French person consumes an average of 400 euros of water per year. With Gecko, we can divide this figure by eight.

In addition to enabling this energy saving, Gecko also wants to be connected. It will have its own application that will allow you to monitor how much total energy is spent over the past month. It will thus offer coaching and raise awareness among the user about their habits, in particular by comparing them to the French average. A fun way to raise awareness about environmental issues. Indeed, it has been proven that from the moment you start measuring and monitoring your consumption, you can easily save up to 25% of energy.


And other projects...